Knowing and Showing
Our independent assessments often begin with listening to worker inquiries. Migrant workers often confirm experiencing labor abuses, but are afraid to speak up. In order to build confidence in workers, we educate them on their rights as well as regulatory policies. We conduct on the ground interviews off-site. Prioritizing trust allows for evidence-based data collection to confirm issues of systematic non-compliance.
Often workers reveal details of audit deception which has occurred undetected. While investigations can last several months or even over a year, we document the process until remedy is provided to the effected workers.
Using our supply chain analysts, we can trace the supply chain of the sourcing facility. We engage brands as a colleague, expressing clearly the situation and evidence to support the non-compliance. During the process we communicate with a number of key business conduct partners including; third-party broker agencies, government officers, human resource offices, and legal and compliance officers.
Common issued exposed in our investigations include:
Systemic issues of debt-bondage, situations where migrant workers take debt to obtain their work and then continue to pay fees to keep their jobs.
Incidents where migrant workers have given up their passports, resident cards, bankbooks, employment contracts, and have wages withheld.
Situations where migrant workers were denied freedom to end contract and leave job in events of mistreatment.
Unsatisfactory and overcrowded dormitory conditions.
Contract disputes and discrepancies
Excessive and illegal overtime
Restriction of movement and strict dormitory curfews